In light of recent mass shootings, a questions keeps popping up: “What do you do if people you know are mentally unwell and possibly dangerous to others but won’t get help?” That question really stuck out to me. It's a hard one. What can someone do? Well, I did a little research and here is some of what I found.

1: Offer people help.  

Tell them you are worried and ask if something is going on. Be honest.

2: Inform people close to them. 

By telling people whom they know and trust (for example, parents or school counselors), it may help them realize they need help. 

3: You can call the National Suicide Prevention lifeline at 988. There's more information here.  

4: If all else fails and you think the person or people might hurt someone or themselves, call the police. 

It may be hard to call the police on someone you love, but that is better than many other things that could happen in this situation.  

Sometimes people need help and refuse to get it, but it is important to know what to do.